
Showing posts from May, 2021

Module 2: Debugging and Error Handling

 This week we learned about the types of errors in scripting and how we can utilize the debugging tool in Spyder to fix those errors. Additionally, we learned about try-except statements that allow us to run a script with exceptions.  The first thing to note about errors in a script is the color separation that identifies errors in the console. Red is commonly used to identify errors. An example of what is identified as an error is a syntax error with a ^ position symbol ( this doesn't mean it is where the location of the error).  Script 1  To get the results for this script, we had to fix the FC that was misspelled. I also had to update the file path and recognizing the correct function was used and entered correctly.  Script 2 For the second script, we were tasked to correct the script's errors. By making changes into the file path to update and correct any spelling of the files. Additionally, correct small details of assigned features and were carried over in the script.  Sc

Fundamentals in Python

  Flowchart Working with Spyder was a challenge. I had started on step 1 on a different approach than the lab instructions gave. My First Attempt started as follows stringName = “Brittany Anne Joe”  nameList – (“Brittany” “Anne” “Joe”)  print (“Joe”)  Although this gave the same results of printing my last name Joe in the program I learned to use some of Python’s functions that allows me to print my last name from a list. stringName.split automatically takes your stringName feature and divide it into separate cars for “Brittany” “Anne” “Joe”. To specify what to print from a list you need to index by specifying the number that represents your list. So “Brittany” would be 0, “Anne “would be 1, and “Joe” was 2.  After step 1, we had to debug a prewritten code that generates the results of random wins and losses for the players. I was challenged to create a loop to generate 20 random numbers between 0-10. My unlucky value was number 5 and we had to use an if/else statement to count the num

Module 7: Introduction to Google Earth Tours and KML Files

 What are Google Earth and Google Earth Tours?  Google Earth is an interactive program that mimics a 3D representation of the Earth and its features based on satellite imagery. Google Earth Tours allows you to record the location that you marked and move around to provide users a visual showcase of the area or specific features. This application is useful for visual reference to present satellite imagery and give tours on multiple locations.  What are KML files?  In our lab module, we learned about transferring layer data from ArcPro into a KML file so that GIS data can be presented in Google Earth software. In order to transfer layer information into KML files, we used the Layer to KML conversion tool in Spatial Analysis to create the KML file.  Additionally, we input a legend image into Google Earth and organized all Google Earth features into proper folders to better direct the Google Earth Tour. 

Module 6: Isarithmic Mapping

 What are Isarithmic maps?  An Isarithmic map showcases continuous surfaces using isolines. An example of this is presenting precipitation levels. Contours are used in logarithmic maps to connect the location of equal values.  Lab Description In the lab, we designed an Isartihmic map of Average Annual Precipitation in the State of Washington over 30 years. We obtained the raster data through the USDA Geospatial Gateway. The data was published by the U.S Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and National GEospatial Management Center from September 2012. The data originated from the PRISM Group at Oregon State University.  How was the precipitation data derived and interpolated?  The precipitation data was derived and interpolated by PRISM (Parameter-elevation Relationships on Independent Slopes Model) that accounts for physiographic factors influencing climate patterns. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) is calculated in the data between the climate values and el