
Showing posts from June, 2021

Module 5: Geometries

 This week we explored how to identify aspects of geometry such as points, lines, and polygons which features are displayed. To work with geometries we refer to the code "SHAPE@" and "SHAPEXY" which can draw out the feature through Python.  Additionally, we used cursors to go through the attribute table and pull out the data we want to be listed in the new text file.  Flowchart  Results   

Module 4: Explore and Manipulate Data

 This week, we learned how to direct Python script to utilize the Describe function, Listing the Dataset, and different types of Cursors to Search, Insert, and Update Data to view GIS shapefile's attribute tables.  The Describe function operates to access certain GIS data such as a Shapefile. After we provide access to the Dataset location you can use my.layer = "_shp" and use key terms like mylayer.catalogPath or my.layerbasefile to look at the shapefile's properties. Listing in Python is very useful if you want to have a result of the different feature classes, rasters, tables, and their fields. We were able to create a list that contains a feature data shapfile's for the Name and their Data Type.  Finally, using Cursors just like viewing an attribute table in GIS, goes through the Attribute's rows and iterates the data. Using cursors can search within the attribute data, insert new attribute data in the attribute table, and update attributes (delete) in the

Module 3: Geoprocessing

  This week, we covered three geoprocessing tasks including buffer, dissolve and add XY coordinates GIS data using two applications in ArcPro Python Window and ModeBuilder.   It was a challenge adjusting to using python language to work with GIS processes. Being more familiar with the GIS aspect of geoprocessing buffers, dissolves, and adding XY coordinates, I was able to check some of my work and view how the current running of GIS functions in a separate map project and using Spyder.  Another error that kept showing up was that another file was already created so then the program would not run. It was an adjustment to notice these disparities. Additionally, closing the ArcPro program to go to Spyder and check my work.  Learning note: close ArcPro before going to Spyder, especially if you are working on the same project.  The Python window in ArcPro is not like the Spyder application so the code is not saved like a script and so saving and making sure the script written in the Python