Cartography: Map Critique

    What's important in a map? 

    Maps play an important role in presenting information. Maps has many parts that come together to present/ represent the data within the map. Some parts of a map are the Title, North Arrow (orientation), Scale Bar, Data Source (citing source), and a Legend (to identify symbology and map features). 

Good Map Designs

    Good map designs always has a Title to them. Sub-titles can be used to elaborate or close in on the topic of the map to help direct the reader's attention to the map details. In the map below, the designer provided a nice Title, but utilized subtitles and short summary to give the readers clarity to what the map wants to present to it's audience. Another important aspect of a good designed map is map layout. This map maintain a balanced presentation with clear borderlines and placed in strategic positions that didn't distract the reader from the main map. 

Poorly Design Map

      One main factor to a poorly designed map is how the map is laid out and the choice of designs used for representing map features. For example, in the map below three major issues with this map is: (1) how the legend is very unclear, (2) overcrowding of map information (labels of features), and (3) no data source citation. Without these aspects, the map can cause confusion and the intention of the map designer doesn't come across to the audience. Improvements that can help this map can be adding a clear Title to announce the map's purpose. Organizing the legend's position and properly account all the symbology to help readers identify key map features. Lastly, sort display substantial information that would help highlight the map's purpose to the audience, but also remove unnecessary information that may conflict with the main idea. Remember, a good map requires forethought and planning. 


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