Introduction of myself

 Hi guys, 

My name is Brittany and I am a graduate student in the GIS Administration program. I graduated with a degree in Environmental Sciences with a concentration in Field Methodology and Field Ecology. I was introduced to GIS during my undergraduate courses and after graduation, I obtained a GIS certification and wanted to seek a career in the GIS field. I currently work in food service, but I aspire to work for a state or federal agency just like my parents did. 

I live with 3 other girls who were apartment-mates during my college days and we are the best of friends and enjoy the fun times in our apartment. A fun fact about me is my passion for hot tea. I am a fan of traditional green, black and white teas and it relates to my origins from China and Chinese culture. 

I was adopted by my parents who are also Chinese and raised me as their own. I have an adopted brother but we are so close to each other that we don't notice any difference. Check out my story through my link to my story map.


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